Grab this chance now!

Broker_12months 会员班

纽约州政府规定,在纽约州从事​​一定的房地产买卖,需要持相关的执照。房地产经纪人课是为了满足政府的持照要求所开设的课程,共有45小时,分12次课。报名Broker课程的学生需持有Agent执照,并且有3500点数。 (Broker应有绿卡身份) 套餐包含: 45小时=12+2讲 中英文录播视频 100题目总复习习题(习题讲解在最后两节课) 额外总复习冲刺套餐(包含400题毕老师视频讲解) 额外一次CE课程用于两年后的再一次执照更新 规范: 14讲录播课程需全部完成方可参加校考。 循环扣费: 该学习套餐为12个月一个循环,如6个月内没有完成课程学习,系统将会自动再次扣费; 如完成了课程学习,请切记关闭套餐,防止不必要的循环扣费。
Write your awesome label here.

What's included?

Outstanding features for highly customizable Courses, Units, Lessons, and Quizzes.

Elevate your career

This class will be a super easy introduction to getting started in the makeup business, specifically what are the basics in the professional makeup kit.

Expert instructors

This class will be a super easy introduction to getting started in the makeup business, specifically what are the basics in the professional makeup kit.

Satisfaction guaranteed

This class will be a super easy introduction to getting started in the makeup business, specifically what are the basics in the professional makeup kit.

Material you'll love

This class will be a super easy introduction to getting started in the makeup business, specifically what are the basics in the professional makeup kit.

Set and achieve goals

This class will be a super easy introduction to getting started in the makeup business, specifically what are the basics in the professional makeup kit.

Flexible payment options

This class will be a super easy introduction to getting started in the makeup business, specifically what are the basics in the professional makeup kit.

Broker_12months 会员班

纽约州政府规定,在纽约州从事​​一定的房地产买卖,需要持相关的执照。房地产经纪人课是为了满足政府的持照要求所开设的课程,共有45小时,分12次课。报名Broker课程的学生需持有Agent执照,并且有3500点数。 (Broker应有绿卡身份) 套餐包含: 45小时=12+2讲 中英文录播视频 100题目总复习习题(习题讲解在最后两节课) 额外总复习冲刺套餐(包含400题毕老师视频讲解) 额外一次CE课程用于两年后的再一次执照更新 规范: 14讲录播课程需全部完成方可参加校考。 循环扣费: 该学习套餐为12个月一个循环,如6个月内没有完成课程学习,系统将会自动再次扣费; 如完成了课程学习,请切记关闭套餐,防止不必要的循环扣费。
Grab this chance now!

Broker_12months 会员班

纽约州政府规定,在纽约州从事​​一定的房地产买卖,需要持相关的执照。房地产经纪人课是为了满足政府的持照要求所开设的课程,共有45小时,分12次课。报名Broker课程的学生需持有Agent执照,并且有3500点数。 (Broker应有绿卡身份) 套餐包含: 45小时=12+2讲 中英文录播视频 100题目总复习习题(习题讲解在最后两节课) 额外总复习冲刺套餐(包含400题毕老师视频讲解) 额外一次CE课程用于两年后的再一次执照更新 规范: 14讲录播课程需全部完成方可参加校考。 循环扣费: 该学习套餐为12个月一个循环,如6个月内没有完成课程学习,系统将会自动再次扣费; 如完成了课程学习,请切记关闭套餐,防止不必要的循环扣费。